Missing $ inserted error on a biblatex full citation


I get a missing $ inserted error when I compile my document if I introduce a \fullcite to this particular bibliography entry:

  title = {Should We Routinely Close the Fascial Defect in Laparoscopic Ventral and Incisional Hernia Repair?},
  author = {Sadava, Emmanuel E. and Peña, María E. and Schlottmann, Francisco},
  date = {2019-06},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Laparoendoscopic \& Advanced Surgical Techniques. Part A},
  shortjournal = {J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A},
  volume = {29},
  number = {6},
  eprint = {30900956},
  eprinttype = {pmid},
  pages = {856--859},
  issn = {1557-9034},
  doi = {10.1089/lap.2019.0088},
  abstract = {Introduction: Closure of the hernia defect during laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR) remains controversial. We aimed to analyze whether closing hernia defects impacts in postoperative morbidity and recurrence rates after LVHR. Materials and Methods: A consecutive series of patients undergoing LVHR from January 2014 to June 2017 with a minimum follow-up of 6 months were included. The sample was divided into two groups: DC, patients with fascial defect closure and NDC, patients without closure of the defect. Postoperative morbidity and recurrence rates were compared between both groups. Results: A total of 100 patients were included, 51 had their defects closed (DC) and the remaining 49 patients had their defects not closed (NDC). There were no significant differences between groups regarding gender, age, smoking, body mass index, or preoperative American Society of Anesthesiologists. Defect area was similar in both groups (DC: 37\,cm2 versus 42\,cm2 NDC, P\,=\,.6). Patients with defect closure had significantly longer operating time (DC: 111 and NDC: 88 minutes, P\,{$<$}\,.01). Patients without defect closure showed higher rates of postoperative seroma (DC: 10\% versus NDC: 18\%) and bulging (DC: 4\% versus NDC: 12.2\%). After a mean follow-up of 24 (6-36) months, recurrence was 6\% in DC and 18\% in NDC (P\,=\,.07). Closure of the defect in midline hernias showed a significant reduction of the recurrence rate (DC: 2/39 [5\%] versus NDC: 5/21 [24\%], P\,=\,.04). Conclusion: Defect closure in LVHR seems to reduce postoperative morbidity and recurrence rates, especially in midline defects. Systematic closure of the hernia defect should be encouraged to improve postoperative outcomes.},
  langid = {english},
  file = {/home/fabio/Zotero/storage/7GDMFDAQ/Sadava et al. - 2019 - Should We Routinely Close the Fascial Defect in La.pdf}

I do not get the error if I place the \fullcite of any other entry of the same bibliographic reference file.

I am using biblatex

I also tried to erase the abstract (there are some mathematical signs, there) but still I get the same error

This is a full document with the error

% This file was converted to LaTeX by Writer2LaTeX ver. 1.6.1
% see http://writer2latex.sourceforge.net for more info
\usepackage[style=vancouver,citestyle=numeric-comp,sorting=none,isbn=false,url=false,eprint=false, doi=false]{biblatex}
\hypersetup{pdftex, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue, filecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue, pdftitle=, pdfauthor=Fabio Cesare Campanile, pdfsubject=, pdfkeywords=}



        %   ablefirsthead{}
        %   ablehead{}
        %   abletail{}
        %   ablelasttail{}
            \multicolumn{4}{|m{25.498999cm}|}{\textbf{Studio: } \fullcite{sadava2019a}
                %   E Sadava, M Pena, F Schlottmann, Should We
                %Routinely Close the Fascial Defect in Laparoscopic Ventral and Incisional Hernia Repair?
                %2019 Jun;29(6):856-859}
        \textbf{Disegno dello studio}
        \textbf{Livello di evidenza} &
        \textbf{Dettagli dello studio/limitazione} &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{7.191cm}|}{\textbf{Caratteristiche dei pazienti}} &
        \textbf{Disegno dello studio:}
        osservazionale &
        \textbf{Paesi:} Argentina
        \textbf{Centri: }Division of Abdominal Wall surgery, Hospital Aleman of Buenos Aires
        \textbf{Setting: }ospedaliero
        \textbf{Finanziamento}: non dichiarati
        \textbf{Follow-up (mesi): }24 mediano (6-36)
        \multicolumn{1}{m{7.191cm}|}{Pazienti affetti da ernia primaria
            Da gennaio 2014 a giugno 2017
            100 pazienti
            51 IPOM+
            49 IPOM
            \textbf{Criteri di inclusione: }
            f-up minimo di 6 mesi, difetti tra 3 e 8 cm
            \textbf{Criteri di esclusione:}
        } &
        IPOM vs. IPOM+ \\\hline
        \textbf{Note}: &
        \textbf{Obiettivi} &
        {}- Sieroma postoperatorio
        {}- migrazione della protesi
        {}- Recidiva
        {}- Complicanze postoperatorie
        \multicolumn{2}{m{14.379001cm}|}{\textbf{Risultati: IPOM+ vs. IPOM}
            {}- Sieroma: 6 (12\%) vs. 9 (18\%) p 0.4
            {}- Migrazione protesi: 2 (4\%) vs. 6 (12\%) p 0.1
            {}- Recidiva: 3 (6\%) vs. 9 (18\%) p 0.07
            {}- Recidiva per ernie mediane: 2 (5\%) vs. 5 (24\%) p 0.04
            {}- Recidiva per ernie laterali: 0 vs. 4 (14\%) p 0.3


Best Answer

The example can be simplified to





this has a UTF-8 ñ but latex is being forced to interpret it as latin-1 which randomly causes it to expand to \pm the plus-or-minus sign and lead to a math error.

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.10 Peñ

Ensure all your files are in UTF-8 and delete the inputenc line.

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