Misplaced \noalign when using xltabular


I'm creating a dynamic PDF creator using Node and LaTeX, compiling with pdflatex (pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20).

The problem is that I am attempting to create a dynamic sized table, that can \pagebreak when it overflows the footer, I tried using a lot of table packages such as longtable, longtabu, tabularx, etc.. but I always run into a trouble where it shows me the following message:

! Misplaced \noalign.
\pagebreak ->\noalign 
                      {\ifnum `}=0\fi \@testopt {\LT@no@pgbk -}4
l.702 \end{xltabular}


\geometry{margin=1.5cm, top=3cm, headsep=0.5cm, footskip=0.8cm}
% KOMA-Script package for header and footer


% header and footer



        frame code={}
        enlarge left by=0mm,
        arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,
        halign = center
        \normalfont\textbf{\large #1}

        \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage}

    \infobox(\textbf{TEXT 1\\TEXT 2 (TEXT 3)})
        {\cellcolor{table-header}{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{COL 1}}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{COL 2}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{COL 3}}
        \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  

The weirdest thing is: my .tex DOES GENERATE a PDF file, but it also crashes with the Misplaced error
enter image description here

EDIT 1: providing a better example of my code so we can figure out the problem

Best Answer

Missing character: There is no l in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no e in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no f in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no t in font nullfont!

LaTeX Warning: Reference `LastPage' on page 1 undefined on input line 125.

! Misplaced \noalign.
\pagebreak ->\noalign 
                      {\ifnum `}=0\fi \@testopt {\LT@no@pgbk -}4
l.125     \end{xltabular}

The character warnings ar due to a missing comma before left, the main error is showing longtable's \\ defiiion happening ouside a table, the tcolorbox code mus b running it spmewhere in the page foot, as her can't actually be a page break inside th infobox I just locally defind \pagebreak to do nothing.

\geometry{margin=1.5cm, top=3cm, headsep=0.5cm, footskip=0.8cm}
% KOMA-Script package for header and footer


% header and footer



\def\infobox(#1){% why the weird non standard () syntax???
        frame code={},
        enlarge left by=0mm,
        arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,
        halign = center
        \normalfont\textbf{\large #1}

        \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage}%%%

    \infobox(\textbf{TEXT 1TEXT 2 (TEXT 3)})
        {\cellcolor{table-header}{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{COL 1}}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{COL 2}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{COL 3}}
        \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline
        DATA 1 & DATA 2 & DATA 3 \\ \hline  
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