Mimic Microsoft Word Tables


I need to fill out some Word form. As the form is very long I was allowed to transform it into a LaTeX format. One item that is difficult for me to mimic are the tables. They look like this:

enter image description here

Note that word is using a specific spacing as well as a different background color it would be great to mimic both a closely as possible.

I am aware of the table generator for LaTeX.
But that does not help me with either the spacing nor the background color.

Follow-Up Question: In the two very nice answers it is also possible to edit the colors. I know the RGB values of the specific colors that I want to use. How can I set the colors using RGB values? the predefined colors are not exactly matching my needs.

Best Answer

With the help of the tabularray package, you can quite easily get a similar output:

enter image description here



 hlines ={gray7},
 vlines ={gray7},
 row{1} = {bg=gray9, fg=azure4, font=\sffamily},
 column{1} = {gray9, fg=azure4, font=\sffamily},
 first column header   & second column header  \\
 row 1 & contents   \\
 row 2 & more text here    \\
 row 3 & other longer text in this cell other longer text in this cell other longer text in this cell \\
 row 4 & text   \\
 row 5 & example text \\
