Microtype, csquotes active quotes and itemize interaction


I've met today a bad interaction between microtype, csquotes autoquotes, and the itemize environment, essentially leading to a "forgotten \endgroup" error.






\item “foo”


Which leads to error:

./document.tex:11: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
<recently read> }
l.11 \item “
./document.tex:12: Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.12 \end{itemize}

I can only reproduce when both packages are loaded and the active quote immediately follows \item (passing an empty optional argument to it does not change things).

Am I missing something, or is this really a bad interaction between the packages? (I'm pretty sure this used to work, but my memory is known to have failed in similar instances…). If it is indeed, I suppose a report is due. I'd gladly do it, but I'm not sure whom to with this. Pointers in that regard are welcome. As is some temporary workaround.

Best Answer

EDIT: This has been fixed in microtype version 3.0a.

Beginning with version 3.0, microtype applies some patches to improve protrusion at "inner margins", e.g. at the beginning of \items (see chapter 9 of the microtype doc). This requires some gymnastics, and here the active character from csquotes interferes. A quick fix would be to prevent the patching with \microtypesetup{nopatch=item}, either for the whole document or only the problematic case. A better fix (which will be included in the next version) would be to patch the pertinent microtype command:





  \item “foo” some more text\\ “another quote”

  \item “foo” some more text\\ “another quote”


(In a real document, you'd move the \MT@get@prot patch to the preamble, of course.)


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