Memoir document class (two-column mode): how to change between default and article-mode chapter settings


I am typesetting a document with the memoir document class with 'twocolumn' passed in the setting and I would like to be able to switch between the 'article' setting for chapters (i.e., that the chapter is embedded in the column)
w/ article included in options for memoir
and the default setting for chapters (i.e., that the chapter isn't embedded in the column)
w/o article included in options for memoir
throughout the course of the document.

Here is the code for these two images




the article parameter is commented out for the second image. I am aware of using the 'multicol' package to possibly achieve this similar to this question but I wanted to know if there was a way to do this natively in memoir.

Best Answer

The article option sets \ifartopt to true (\ifartopttrue) and the memoir code then adapts it self to this. Additionally macros like \chapter react to the boolean value of this option. So if all we want is for \chapter to behave like under the article option, but without the rest of the settings, we can not use the article option and add


to the preamble.

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