tkz-euclide – Marking Angles in TKZ-Euclide: A Complete Guide


I am trying to reproduce an example from (an excellent) manual on tkz-euclide. Here is an MWE:

            \tkzMarkAngle[size = 4,mark = x,
            arc=ll,mkcolor = red,mkpos=.33](A,O,B)
            \tkzMarkAngle[size = 2,mark = ||,
            arc=ll,mkcolor = blue,mkpos=.66](A,O,B)
            \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)

But, no… Here is the output:

enter image description here

Obviously, something is wrong with the size of the marking. However, when I increase the size parameter, say:
\tkzMarkAngle[size = 15,mark = x,arc=ll,mkcolor = red,mkpos=.33](A,O,B)
then it becomes even worse (note how far away to the right the cross marking is):
enter image description here

Even worse than that: when I remove the cross markings from the arcs (I like to distinguish the angles with the number of arcs since I have a few in my drawing), they don't disappear:

    \tkzMarkAngle[size = 15,arc=ll](A,O,B)  
    \tkzMarkAngle[size = 2, arc=ll](A,O,B)

enter image description here

Hash-mark is still there — very far to the right…

Update: When I reinstall TexLive (basically LaTeX itself), it updated all the packages tkz-euklid including. Everything is working now without the units. Thanks Alain!

Best Answer

For future generations: The trick is that you have to put the units for the size of the arc.

        \tkzMarkAngle[size = 4cm,mark = x,
        arc=ll,mkcolor = red,mkpos=.33](A,O,B)
        \tkzMarkAngle[size = 2cm,mark = ||,
        arc=ll,mkcolor = blue,mkpos=.66](A,O,B)
        \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)

enter image description here

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