Bibliographies – How to Manage and Display References from .bib File


I am trying the ACM conference template … they have a separate .bib file, which I have never used.

First on Google Scholar I am researching the paper. Then open ref style–>click on bibTex–>
then copying this

title={Nash equilibrium and welfare optimality},
author={Maskin, Eric},
journal={The Review of Economic Studies},
publisher={Wiley-Blackwell} }

and pasted in my .bib file (sample-bibliography.bib). Then in the main file I am using \bibliography{sample-bibliography} to print a reference in the reference section, but the problem is it is not printing the reference …

Best Answer

Only cited works in a .bib file are printed in the bibliography. So you need to either cite the work (using \cite{maskin1999nash} for an in-text citation or \nocite{maskin1999nash} to force the work in the reference work even though there's no in-text citation).

Of course, you don't indicate whether you've run BibTeX to generate the .bbl file which is what's actually responsible for producing a bibliography. You need to run BibTeX after a LaTeX run that had a version of your LaTeX file, and then re-run LaTeX to actually get the biblography.

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