Making the next space fixed width

spacingwhite space

I'm using the IEEEtrans document class and sometimes the figure caption

Fig. n: label

looks like

Fig. n: label

where the space after the “Fig.” is stretched.

How do I make the next space after “Fig.” fixed width?

I have tried the commands \enspace and \kern 0.33em which I found on this link What's the easiest way of putting a fixed-width space? but neither works.

I cannot use the \spaceskip command as
proposed here Fixed-width interword space
because I don't know where to turn it off.
I need to fix the width of the next space but
not all spaces in the environment.

Thank you for your time.

Best Answer

The IEEEtran class has


You can solve your problem by saying, before \begin{document},

\def\fnum@figure{\mbox{\figurename\ }\thefigure}

so the space after \figurename will not be influenced by the space factor of the period and be fixed because it appears in a box.