Make xindy work with Lualatex


I want to use glossaries with xindy. If I compile the following MWE with PDFLatex, there is no problem, I get the desired result (screenshot below).

\usepackage[acronym, automake, xindy]{glossaries-extra}
%\usepackage[acronym, automake=immediate, xindy]{glossaries-extra}

\newacronym{test}{TEST}{This is a test}


enter image description here

However, if I use LuaLaTeX to compile, I get no result (except the error message below) even after several compilations. Using automake=immediate doesn't seem to do anything.

enter image description here

Am I missing something? Is there a way to make xindy work with LuaLaTeX?

Update by user Manuel Kuehner: Someone reported the bug, see

Best Answer

It is a bug in glossaries. It calls xindy with an empty -C value as the code page is not set: -I xindy -L english -M test-nomgt -C  -t test-nomgt.glg -o test-nomgt.gls test-nomgt.glo

Report the bug. As a work around load either fontspec or set the code page manually:


\usepackage[acronym, automake=immediate, xindy={codepage=utf8}]{glossaries-extra}

\newacronym{test}{TEST}{This is a test}


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