Make sublistings with minted package


I use the minted package for creating highlighted code listings in my text, and I have a need to display several snippets under one float.
Firstly, I've tried to use the \subcaptionbox command from subcaption package like this:

\begin{lsg}{code:basic-id-transform}{Scoped identifier transformation}
        // simple.hpp
        namespace foo {
                void bar(int a);
    \subcaptionbox{Original file\label{code:basic-id-transform:orig}}{\usebox{\verbsavebox}}\hfill
        // libsimple-c.h
        #ifdef __cplusplus
        #    define EXTERN       extern "C"
        #    define EXTERN_OPEN  extern "C" {
        #    define EXTERN_CLOSE }  // extern "C"
        #    define EXTERN
        #    define EXTERN_OPEN
        #    define EXTERN_CLOSE
        EXTERN void foo_bar(int a);
    \subcaptionbox{Generated header\label{code:basic-id-transform:orig}}{\usebox{\verbsavebox}}\hfill
        #include "libsimple-c.h"
        #include "simple.hpp"
        void foo_bar(int a) {
    \subcaptionbox{Generated implementation\label{code:basic-id-transform:orig}}{\usebox{\verbsavebox}}\hfill

This code gives labels properly, but the result looks like this:
enter image description here

Using \subcaption command, however, makes the total caption be treated as a subcaption, so that the whole float is not present in list of listings.

The problem is that all the solutions I found in internet are for the lstlisting package.

Best Answer

Found out a solution with minipage environment and a subcaption command.

\begin{lsg}{code:basic-id-transform}{Scoped identifier transformation}
        // simple.hpp
        namespace foo {
                void bar(int a);
    \subcaption{Original file\label{code:basic-id-transform:orig}}
  % ... and so on for every sub-listing ...

By giving fractional values in the third argument (e.g. \begin{minipage}[b]{0.5\linewidth}) it is possible to render listings in several columns.