Make a very large forward slash in math mode


this is the result I'd like to achieve:

enter image description here

I tried various commands to make the forward slash larger, for instance I tried the \left. (...) \right / or composing multiple \mathlarger commands but I couldn't get the desired result, with both of them the forward slash is bigger than normal but not even close to be large enough.

\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm}

\title{Big forwardslash}
\author{Niccolò Della Rocca}
\date{July 2021}


                 V\otimes_{\mathbb C}W= \mathbb C\left[V\times W\right]\middle\slash
                        (\underline{v}+\underline{v}',\underline{w}) - (\underline{v},\underline{w}) - (\underline{v}',\underline{w}) \\
                        (\underline{v},\underline{w}+\underline{w}') - (\underline{v},\underline{w}) - (\underline{v},\underline{w}')\\
                        a(\underline{v},\underline{w}) - (a\underline{v},\underline{w})\\ 
                        a(\underline{v},\underline{w}) - (\underline{v},a\underline{w})\\
                        a\in\mathbb C,\:\underline{v}\in V,\:\underline{w}\in W


Best Answer

You can do it, but should you? Do you really think this is a good formula to display? I really think it isn't, for several reasons:

  1. it's very big and difficult to read;
  2. it's not the way tensor products are defined (it is one way, but one never uses it, relying instead on the universal property).

Anyway, here's a way to do it.

First of all:

  1. \mathbb C is not proper syntax; use \mathbb{C};
  2. better yet, define your own command;
  3. underlining symbols for vectors is very old-fashioned markup;
  4. better defining an abstract command that can be modified without chasing the document for \underline;
  5. \text{Span} is wrong syntax: try it in the statement of a theorem;
  6. use \DeclareMathOperator.

Now the promised code:

\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm}


 {% #1 = width (default 2em)
  % #2 = left part
  % #3 = right part
  \bafforasta_reallybigslash:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \bafforasta_reallybigslash:nnn
  \hbox_set:Nn \l_tmpa_box { $\displaystyle#2$ }
  \hbox_set:Nn \l_tmpb_box { $\displaystyle#3$ }
  \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim
    \dim_max:nn { \box_ht:N \l_tmpa_box + \box_dp:N \l_tmpa_box }
                { \box_ht:N \l_tmpb_box + \box_dp:N \l_tmpb_box }
  \draw_linewidth:n { 0.75pt }
  \draw_path_moveto:n { 0pt , 0pt }
  \draw_path_lineto:n { #1 , \l_tmpa_dim }
  \draw_path_use_clear:n { stroke }


\title{Big forwardslash}
\author{Niccolò Della Rocca}
\date{July 2021}


  V\otimes_{\CC}W= \CC[V\times W]
    (\vct{v}+\vct{v}',\vct{w}) - (\vct{v},\vct{w}) - (\vct{v}',\vct{w}) \\
    (\vct{v},\vct{w}+\vct{w}') - (\vct{v},\vct{w}) - (\vct{v},\vct{w}')\\
    a(\vct{v},\vct{w}) - (a\vct{v},\vct{w})\\ 
    a(\vct{v},\vct{w}) - (\vct{v},a\vct{w})\\
    a\in\CC,\vct{v}\in V,\vct{w}\in W


enter image description here

The \reallybigslash command has an optional argument to set the slash's width. For instance, with


(where the dots stand for the same as before) you get

enter image description here