Macro for colouring track changes


I am revising an article and have to put in colour the changes.
I do this manually (I created a macro) but it is tedious and imply another work when the article will be accepted (if it is^^).

\definecolor{green(munsell)}{rgb}{0.0, 0.66, 0.47}

Is there a way to define a macro which will automatically colour the added text (using track changes) in the output file?

ps: I am totally new to latex…

Best Answer

You could check out latexdiff, which can highlight changes between different revisions of the latex source file.

I used it to highlight changes in a manuscript as requested by the reviewers and it work quite well for that purpose. In my case it had some kinks with changes in tables (if I recall correctly), but nothing that couldn't be easily fixed (manually) with the help of the package's issue tracker.

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