Lualatex unicode input of greek symbols


I am looking to input greek characters directly in the tex file. I could do this with pdflatex, but I cannot find a way to do this in lualatex. I really don't want to type \greek{greeksymbol} for every greek symbol that I have to insert, since some of my references will also have greek symbols, and I will have to go and change all of those as well.

MWE of my current solution


\usepackage{fontspec} % lualatex only
\usepackage{unicode-math} % lualatex only
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}


Protein secondary structure includes \greek{α}-helices and \greek{β}-sheets.


which outputs thisenter image description here

where as in an ideal world all I would have to type is

% whatever packages are needed to accomplish this

Protein secondary structure includes α-helices and β-sheets.


and it would display the same thing. Does anyone have any solutions? It needs to be within lualatex because I am using OTF fonts.


So here is a MWE where I can type it.


\usepackage{fontspec} % lualatex only
\usepackage{unicode-math} % lualatex only
\babelprovide[import=el, onchar=ids fonts]{greek}
\babelfont{rm}[Language=Default]{Latin Modern Math}


Protein secondary structure includes α-helices and β-sheets.


Awesome. Is there a way for it to be automatically boldended? I would like to have all greek symbols in bold.

Best Answer

A simple solution

    Protein secondary structure includes α-helices and β-sheets. \par
    Protein secondary structure includes \textbf{α}-helices and \textbf{β}-sheets.

enter image description here

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