Longtable caption repeated in list of tables

captionslongtabletable of contents

I have a longtable in my file that spans several pages. However \caption is appearing several times in my index. The table title also appears on all pages of the table. How can I fix it so that it appears only once?

How is it:

enter image description here

Short code:

\caption{Tabela de indicadores atualizada com os indicadores identificados}\\
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Dimensão}} &  
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Macroindicador}} &
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Indicador}} &
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Unidade}} & \textbf{\textcolor{white}{Abrangência}} &  \textbf{\textcolor{white}{Fonte}} & \textbf{\textcolor{white}{Disponibilidade}} & \textbf{\textcolor{white}{Link}} \\ \hline

\cellcolor[HTML]{3FD0FF}Agroclimatologia & Temperatura & Temperatura máxima na hora anterior & $^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ & BRASIL & INMET & disponível (planilha) & {\color[HTML]{0000EE} \url{ https://portal.inmet.gov.br/dadoshistoricos}} \\ \hline
\cellcolor[HTML]{3FD0FF}Agroclimatologia & Temperatura & Temperatura mínima na hora anterior & $^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ & BRASIL & INMET & disponível (planilha) & {\color[HTML]{0000EE} \url{ https://portal.inmet.gov.br/dadoshistoricos}} \\ \hline

\caption*{Fonte: Autor (2021).}

Best Answer

Currently, you have a single \endhead statement; therefore, the same information -- including the caption material -- gets placed on every page spanned by the longtable.

As a remedy, I suggest that you employ separate \endfirsthead and \endhead directives. For the \endhead part, don't use \caption{...} but, instead, something like

\multicolumn{8}{@{}l}{\tablename~\thetable, contínua}

Some sample code:

\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=1.5cm]{geometry} % choose suitable page parameters
%% (the remainder of this preamble is mostly guesswork)

\usepackage{array}      % for \newcolumntype macro
\usepackage{ragged2e}   % for \RaggedRight macro




\addtocounter{table}{3} % just for this example


\caption{Indicadores atualizada com os indicadores identificados}\\
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Dimensão}} &  
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Macroindicador}} &
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Indicador}} &
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Unidade}} & 
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Abrangência}} &  
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Fonte}} & 
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Disponibilidade}} & 
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Link}} \\ 

\multicolumn{8}{@{}l}{\tablename~\thetable, contínua}\\[0.5ex]
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Dimensão}} &  
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Macroindicador}} &
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Indicador}} &
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Unidade}} & 
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Abrangência}} &  
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Fonte}} & 
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Disponibilidade}} & 
\textbf{\textcolor{white}{Link}} \\ 

\multicolumn{8}{r@{}}{\footnotesize(Continua na próxima página)}\\

\multicolumn{8}{c}{Fonte: Autor (2021).}

% body of 'longtable'


% remainder of paper
