Table of Contents – Fixing Duplicates of List of Figure, List of Table, and References

table of contents

Below are the set of lines I used to add the figures list, tables list, references to the table of contents (TOC).

\documentclass[12pt, titlepage, openany]{amsbook}





\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm}





\usepackage[colorlinks, linktocpage, allcolors=black,%breaklinks{hyperref}








\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em

\usepackage{booktabs, multirow}















\bfseries{\summaryname} \end{center}}

























Below are the snippets of the pdf of TOC I get as the output. I wonder why they repeat twice. I'm not sure if it has to do with something else.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

You're using the document class amsbook. Unlike the "basic" document classes (article, book and proc), the AMS classes do automatically add the information for starred chapter and section headings to the TOC, as this is wanted by AMS style. When using an AMS class, do not add this information explicitly.

You are also loading the package tocbibind. The main purpose of this package is to add information for "lists of", the bibliography, and similar sections -- all of which are defined as starred chapter or section headings -- to the TOC. Thus the double listings. Remove that package, or use the options it provides to explicitly omit the particular headings that are duplicated.

I'm not sufficiently familiar with tocbibind to know whether it is incompatible in other ways with AMS document classes, but suspect that in general, it shouldn't be used with them.

An extra word of advice here. Different document classes define things like page style, what is included in "lists of", and similar features in different ways, to satisfy different (often publishers') requirements, so in order for a helper to provide an accurate answer to most questions of this nature, it is essential to know at least the document class being used.