Beamer – How to Left-align Figures in Beamer


I use the minipage environment and I've got two figures, which I wish to present side by side. I have successfully done that, but I do not like the position of the image on the left. I would prefer to have it slightly shifted to the left.

Here is my code:

    \begin{frame}{some text}

Which gives:

I want to use these white spaces

So I'd need to shift my figures to the edges of the slide, so I can have a space for annotations. It doesn't matter here with the example image, but with my bigger figures, it does.

update 1: solution with \raggedleft and right

enter image description here

update 2: executing solution 1 as it is

enter image description here

Best Answer

In your code, you ask for the image to be centered in your minipage. If you'd rather have it left-aligned, try this:


\begin{frame}{some text}