Left align empheq fbox


I am trying to figure out the syntax for generating a set of left-aligned, boxed equations with aligned equals signs for presenting some results. After trying many combinations of methods, this is the closest I've gotten:




            here's some text
                R_{b1} &= 12\Omega\\
                R_{b2} &= 123\Omega\\
                R_c &= 1234\Omega\\
                R_{ee} &= 12345\Omega

This results in the following (colored lines and arrow added).
not left aligned box

I would like to left align the box as shown so it fits with the rest of the text on the page. I found this answer, which suggests adding fleqn to \documentclass. However, this still leaves the box floating an odd distance away from the bottom and left edges of the preceding text.

odd margin

How can I left align my box without this weird space?

Best Answer

... syntax for generating a set of left-aligned, boxed equations with aligned equals signs

I would like to suggest that you load the amsmath package and employ its boxed macro and aligned environment.

enter image description here

\setlength{\fboxsep}{6pt} % default: 3pt

        \item Hello world. 
                R_{b1} &= 12\Omega    \\
                R_{b2} &= 123\Omega   \\
                R_c    &= 1234\Omega  \\
                R_{ee} &= 12345\Omega