Labels – Using LaTeX Label with & Symbol


I need to write a label that contains a '&'. This is a strange need, but it is for use in a \keyword macro, which also adds a string to the aux file, which I can later parse (e.g., with an external program). Names in English apparently can contain an &, as in S&P~500.


\NewDocumentCommand{\keyword}{ m }{%




Error is of course

! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.4 \newlabel{i\&j}{{}{1}}

How would I ask latex to just consider the & a viable character in a string for the aux file?

advice appreciated.

Best Answer

You're abusing \label just to write something to the .aux file: no such created \label can be used in a \ref, because you don't know where it will eventually be typeset.

I'd not use \newlabel in the .aux file, but a different marker.


\NewDocumentCommand{\fakelabel}{m}{} % for the .aux file

\NewDocumentCommand{\keyword}{ m }
    \cs_set:Npx \& { \token_to_str:N \& }
    \iow_shipout:cx { @auxout }
        \token_to_str:N \fakelabel { KW : \thesection : \thepage : #1 }




About \label{i\&j}, just avoid it or use \label{i&j} which works.

The contents of the aux file will be

\gdef \@abspage@last{1}

Your external program will be able to look for \fakelabel and use the supplied data.

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