Lyx Unicode Issues: Resolving LaTeX Errors at Special Characters


I have a special unicode character "𝌠" in LyX. When language is set to czech (as is the actual text) and encodung set to "standard for given language" and "standard" language package, it shows this error:

Errors: could not find LaTeX command for character '𝌠' (value 0x1d320)

The description says those characters are not in selected encoding (whatever is standard for czech (why not unicode?))

Now there are 4 unicodes to select (why!?)
enter image description here
Selecting different combinations:

encoding langPackage error appearance
unicode(utf8) standard/automatic/always babel babel:haven't specified langauge option + inputend:unicode char 𝌠(U+1D320) special character missing
unicode(utf8)/cjk(utf8) none inputend:unicode char 𝌠(U+1D320) special character missing
xetex(utf8) none/standard/automatic none shown all diacritics garbled
xetex(utf8) always babel babel:haven't specified langauge option all diacritics garbled
ucs-extension(utf8x) none/standard/automatic/always babel babel:haven't specified langauge option + ucs:unknown unicode character… diacritics ok, character as codepoint

Disregarding the options both the lyx file and the itermediate tex file are correctly utf-8 encoded.
This seems to show that xetex cripples all encoding diregarding anything else. Babel's com complaints about missing language selection (despite language being selected) influences nothing as does the language package selection.

Now what can be set to have that character rendered correctly (same as in LyX UI)?

intermediate Tex file:

special character: ''𝌠''

Possibly interesting part of log:

* Local config file bblopts.cfg used
("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\arabi\bblopts.cfg"
File: bblopts.cfg 2005/09/08 v0.1 add Arabic and Farsi to "declared" options of

! Package babel Error: You haven't specified a language option.

See the babel package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.343 ...ry to proceed from here, type x to quit.}
You need to specify a language, either as a global option
or as an optional argument to the \usepackage command;
You shouldn't try to proceed from here, type x to quit.


LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):


File: uninames.dat 2013/05/13 UCS: Unicode character names, compressed

! Package ucs Error: Unknown Unicode character 119584 = U+1D320,
(ucs)                possibly declared in uni-467.def.
(ucs)                Type H to see if it is available with options.

See the ucs package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.10 special character: ''𝌠
Unicode character 119584 = U+1D320:
Character is not defined in uni-*.def files.
Enter I!<RET> to define the glyph.


Best Answer

I can't help with lyx, but it's easy enough to set the character with lualatex or xelatex. On this machine my web browser uses Segoe UI Symbol to show the character in your question, so I used the same here.

enter image description here

\newfontfamily\segoeui{Segoe UI Symbol}

special character: ``{\segoeui 𝌠}''