Tables – Fix Issues with Cells Alignment and Horizontal Distribution in Tabularray

horizontal alignmenttablestabularray

I have been trying to set up a table with specific vertical and horizontal distribution as well as rows and cols merge with tabularray package. Below is my MWE which emphasizes the issue I am facing within the first cell cell{1}{1} = {r=2,c=1}{c} and third row row{3}.

In the example, shown below, it is possible to notice the cell named D (cell{1}{8} = {r=2,c=1}{c}) and F (cell{1}{9} = {r=2,c=1}{c}) follows the definition for center alignment based on the same code line (cell{1}{1,8,9} = {r=2,c=1}{c}).

enter image description here

I have already tried multiple colspec with given m and c align arguments as well as hspace=even and \SetTblrInner{vspan=even, hspan=even} but none managed to make the cell{1}{1} center aligned and the cell{3}{1} even with respect to the other rows.



    %rows = {valign=c},
    row{1} = {bg=white, fg=black, font=\bfseries},
    cell{1}{1,8,9} = {r=2,c=1}{c}, %Defines the cell position row 1 colunm 1,8,9 as a 2 rows and 1 colunm cell with 'c' center aligment
    cell{1}{2,5} = {r=1,c=3}{c},
    %cell{1}{5} = {r=1,c=3}{c},
    %cell{1}{8} = {r=2,c=1}{c},
    %cell{1}{9} = {r=2,c=1}{c},
    hspan=even, vspan=even,
    %colspec={X[3cm,c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[3cm,c,m] X[3cm,c,m]},
    colspec={Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m]},
    hline{4-Y} = {1,8,9}{0.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1},
    vline{2,5,8,9} = {1pt,solid},
    hline{1,Z} = {2pt},
    hline{3} = {1,8,9}{1.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1},
    hline{3} = {2,3,4}{1.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
    hline{3} = {5,6,7}{1.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
    hline{4-Y} = {2,3,4}{0.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
    hline{4-Y} = {5,6,7}{0.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
    vline{3,4,6,7} = {0.5pt}   

A & B &   &   & C &   &   & D & F \\

    & $1$ & $2$ & $3$ & $4$ & $5$ & $6$ &  &  \\

            \nth{1} & 
            1 & 
            2 & 
            3 &
            4 &
            5 &
            6 & 
            7 &

            \nth{2} & 
            1 & 
            2 & 
            3 &
            4 &
            5 &
            6 & 
            7 &

            \nth{3} & 
            1 & 
            2 & 
            3 &
            4 &
            5 &
            6 & 
            7 &

            \nth{4} & 
            1 & 
            2 & 
            3 &
            4 &
            5 &
            6 & 
            7 &

            \nth{5} & 
            1 & 
            2 & 
            3 &
            4 &
            5 &
            6 & 
            7 &

            \nth{6} & 
            1 & 
            2 & 
            3 &
            4 &
            5 &
            6 & 
            7 &

            \nth{7} & 
            1 & 
            2 & 
            3 &
            4 &
            5 &
            6 & 
            7 &

\end{table*} %Summary of the different topological stage

Thanks in advance for the support!

Best Answer

I am not having this issue if I run your code (I removed redundant packages):


      colspec={Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m] Q[c,m]},
      %rows = {valign=c},
      row{1} = {bg=white, fg=black, font=\bfseries},
      cell{1}{1,8,9} = {r=2,c=1}{c},
      cell{1}{2,5} = {r=1,c=3}{c},
      %cell{1}{5} = {r=1,c=3}{c},
      %cell{1}{8} = {r=2,c=1}{c},
      %cell{1}{9} = {r=2,c=1}{c},
      hspan=even, vspan=even,
      %colspec={X[3cm,c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[c,m] X[3cm,c,m] X[3cm,c,m]},
      hline{4-Y} = {1,8,9}{0.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1},
      vline{2,5,8,9} = {1pt,solid},
      hline{1,Z} = {2pt},
      hline{3} = {1,8,9}{1.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1},
      hline{3} = {2,3,4}{1.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
      hline{3} = {5,6,7}{1.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
      hline{4-Y} = {2,3,4}{0.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
      hline{4-Y} = {5,6,7}{0.5pt, rightpos = -1, leftpos = -1, endpos},
      vline{3,4,6,7} = {0.5pt}
    A       & B   &     &     & C   &     &     & D & F \\
            & $1$ & $2$ & $3$ & $4$ & $5$ & $6$ &   & \\
    \nth{1} & 1   & 2   & 3   & 4   & 5   & 6   & 7 & 8 \\
    \nth{2} & 1   & 2   & 3   & 4   & 5   & 6   & 7 & 8 \\
    \nth{3} & 1   & 2   & 3   & 4   & 5   & 6   & 7 & 8 \\
    \nth{4} & 1   & 2   & 3   & 4   & 5   & 6   & 7 & 8 \\
    \nth{5} & 1   & 2   & 3   & 4   & 5   & 6   & 7 & 8 \\
    \nth{6} & 1   & 2   & 3   & 4   & 5   & 6   & 7 & 8 \\
    \nth{7} & 1   & 2   & 3   & 4   & 5   & 6   & 7 & 8 \\
\end{table} %Summary of the different topological stage

enter image description here

Also, not sure if the middle alignment is intended but in case you want headers to be in one line, here's the snippet to change

% ... valgin added
row{1} = {valign=h, bg=white, fg=black, font=\bfseries},
cell{1}{1,8,9} = {r=2,c=1}{},   % c removed
% ...

enter image description here