Interface for diagrams and example


I would like to know if there are interactive graphic-oriented programs to construct diagrams of latex.

For example, I know

There are others that do something similar?

I am struggling to do this diagram on tikz:



Best Answer

It's true—TikZ can be intimidating at first. The 1000+ page manual is downright terrifying. But it's worth it! Start with some of the tutorials at the beginning of the manual. You'll be drawing pictures like these in no time!

enter image description here



\tikzset{dot/.style={fill, circle, inner sep=1pt},
    myarrow/.style={decoration={markings, mark=at position .6 with {\arrow{>}}}, postaction={decorate}}}


\draw circle[radius=2];
\draw[very thick, myarrow] (-80:2)node[dot, label={-90:{$B'$}}]{}arc(-80:80:2)node[dot, label={90:{$A'$}}]{};
\draw[very thick, myarrow] (100:2)node[dot, label={90:{$A$}}]{}arc(100:260:2)node[dot, label={-90:{$B$}}]{};
