Installing and switching to new distribution


I installed the new texlive 2022 distribution and removed the old 2021 texlive distribution with tlmgr uninstall --all (after verifying I was on the right distribution with tex version and it returned texlive 2021).

The 2022 distro installed successfully, but now I can’t make it work. I understand I have something to change in the .profile file and change the path and so on, which I did (see below), yet it still isn’t working.

My .profile file

export PATH
export MANPATH

PS: I installed the distribution in the same folder as the last one which is in ~/.local/share/applications

Best Answer

The solution was quite simple: you simply need to run the Perl script with sudo privileges, otherwise the installation won’t work on if you try to install it in /usr/share/etc. when the script takes you to the scheme page.