Including svg file in sharelatex (overleaf)


I was working with the online version of overleaf and the below code to include svg images worked perfectly fine.

    \includesvg[width = 5cm]{FIGURES/Example.svg}

But now I switched to a local version of overleaf. I have installed the complete version of texlive as suggested here. After the installation when I try to compile my latex file I had errors such as:

Package svg Error: File `Example_svg-tex.pdf' is missing.

and some warnings:

Package svg Warning: You didn't enable `shell escape' (or `write18') so it wasn't possible to launch the Inkscape export for `FIGURES/Example.svg' on input line 127.

I suppressed these errors and warnings by using a latexmkrc file containing $pdflatex = 'pdflatex --shell-escape %O %S'; as suggested elsewhere. But now I have new warnings:

Package svg Warning: No version of Inkscape was detected by invoking `inkscape -V' so the Inkscape export will fail quite sure as the command is probably unknown to your OS. You could set `inkscapeversion=<version>' manually but this is very unlikely to work on input line 8.

I am sure I have to set up the path of my Inkscape version somewhere, but I am just not sure where.

And I am working on ubuntu.

Best Answer

You must install inkscape in the overleaf container.

  1. In your overleaf directory, run ./bin/shell to connect to the container.

  2. At the root prompt (#), run:

    • apt update
    • apt install inkscape.