Tables – How to Maintain Same Font Size in Multiple Tables in LaTeX?


I have two tables. One has more columns and the other one has very few. Now the problem is that the font size is not the same.

Here is table one includes lots of data:

Treatment                         & Estimate. Mean in group Faunus   control & Estimate. Mean in group Faunus   with Tannin & p-value & statistic.t & conf.int1 & conf.int2 \\ \hline
p6\_gallic\_acid                  & 1.199                                    & 0.460                                        & 0.003   & 3.463       & 0.29      & 1.185     \\ \hline
p11\_di\_galloylglucose\_ester    & 1.037                                    & 0.419                                        & 0.006   & 3.127       & 0.204     & 1.032     \\ \hline
p22\_tri\_galloylglucose\_ester   & 0.370                                    & 0.187                                        & 0.026   & 2.369       & 0.024     & 0.342     \\ \hline
p28\_tetra\_galloylglucose\_ester & 0.665                                    & 0.220                                        & 0.003   & 3.387       & 0.170     & 0.720     \\ \hline

the second table is comparatably small:

Material                          & p     \\ \hline
p6\_gallic\_acid                  & 0.003 \\ \hline
p11\_di\_galloylglucose\_ester    & 0.02  \\ \hline
p22\_tri\_galloylglucose\_ester   & 0.01  \\ \hline
p28\_tetra\_galloylglucose\_ester & 0.02  \\ \hline
\caption{Wilcoxon test}

That is what they look like. It is clearly seen that they fit with the screen properly, However, they do not have the same font in size.

enter image description here

Can someone please help me to solve this issue?
I want a table where they will both fit with the screen and they both have same font size.

Best Answer

Repeat after me: Do not use \adjustbox to shoe-horn a table into the width of the text block.

Instead, I suggest you (a) provide a bit more structure to the header row in the first table and (b) employ a tabular* environment to set the table's width to \textwidth. For the second table, I suggest you employ an ordinary tabular environment. Oh, giving the tables a more open "look", by omitting all vertical rules and employing fewer, but well-spaced horizontal rules, would be nice.

enter image description here

\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably

\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l cc *{4}{S[table-format=1.3]} }
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Mean in group Faunus} 
& {$p$-val} & {$t$-stat} & {CI 1} & {CI 2} \\ 
& Control & with Tannin \\
p6\_gallic\_acid                  & 1.199 & 0.460 & 0.003 & 3.463 & 0.29  & 1.185 \\ 
p11\_di\_galloylglucose\_ester    & 1.037 & 0.419 & 0.006 & 3.127 & 0.204 & 1.032 \\ 
p22\_tri\_galloylglucose\_ester   & 0.370 & 0.187 & 0.026 & 2.369 & 0.024 & 0.342 \\ 
p28\_tetra\_galloylglucose\_ester & 0.665 & 0.220 & 0.003 & 3.387 & 0.170 & 0.720 \\ 
\caption{Student-$t$ test}

\begin{tabular}{@{} l S[table-format=1.3] @{}}
Material & {$p$-val} \\ 
p6\_gallic\_acid                  & 0.003 \\ 
p11\_di\_galloylglucose\_ester    & 0.02  \\ 
p22\_tri\_galloylglucose\_ester   & 0.01  \\ 
p28\_tetra\_galloylglucose\_ester & 0.02  \\ 
\caption{Wilcoxon test}