tikz-pgf – How to Illustrate Double Distributive Property in LaTeX


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Best Answer

Here's a solution using tikzmark library, instead of reinventing the wheel, like many old solutions you can find here.

tikzmark ditributivity


        every node/.style={outer sep=1pt},
        num/.style={draw,circle,fill=white,font=\tiny,inner sep=1pt}}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,cyan]
        \draw[->] (A) to[out=60,in=100,looseness=1.5] node[num,pos=0.5] {1} (C) ;
        \draw[->] (A) to[out=60,in=110,looseness=1.8] node[num,pos=0.5] {2} (D) ;
        \draw[->] (B) to[out=-90,in=-100,looseness=1.6] node[num,pos=0.5] {3} (C) ;
        \draw[->] (B) to[out=-90,in=-110,looseness=1.9] node[num,pos=0.5] {4} (D) ;

        \foreach \n [count=\i] in {AC,AD,BC,BD}
            \node[num,above=10pt] at (\n.south) {\i};
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