How to use a roman font for capital letters in math mode when using plain TeX


The French style (see the frenchstyle option of the LaTeX kpfonts package) is to typeset capital letters in math mode in roman rather than in italic.

How can I achieve that in plain TeX without having to manually input \rm everywhere? That is, I would the second one to look like the first in:

  • Let $\rm V$ be a vector space.
  • Let $V$ be a vector space.

Best Answer

You need to change the mathcode of the capital letters. In plain.tex you find

% INITEX sets up \mathcode x=x, for x=0..255, except that
% \mathcode x=x+"7100, for x = `A to `Z and `a to `z;
% \mathcode x=x+"7000, for x = `0 to `9.

but you want "7000, the second digit denotes the default math family to take the character from, and 0 is for the upright text font.

How to do this with as less work as possible?

\advance\count255 by -1
  \advance\count255 by 1
  \advance\count8 by 1
% cover your tracks


${\mit A}+A$


enter image description here

If you use pdftex, this can be shortened to

\advance\count255 by -1
  \advance\count255 by 1

Even shorter with expl3 (also requires pdftex):

\input expl3-generic
\int_step_inline:nnn { `A } { `Z }
   \mathcode #1 = \int_eval:n { #1 + "7000 }