How to safely remove contact icons from Twenty-One CV template


I am using a modified "twenty seconds" CV template found here:

(simply open in Overleaf for an MWE)

When I try to remove one or more of the contact data (e.g. line 43, cvsitepersonal, it doesn't compile anymore. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

To omit any of these personal coordinates, leave the contents of the macro empty. Replace e.g.




Because of an error in twentyonesecondcv.cls, this does not work for \cvsitepersonal: The icon will remain, with an empty space beside it.

There are two possibilities: work around the error, or fix it.

Work around: If you need neither \cvgithub nor \cvsitepersonal, omitting \cvgithub (i.e., writing \cvgithub{}) will also let cvsitepersonal disappear, problem solved.

Fix the error: In the file twentyonesecondcv.cls, search for the line

\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvgithub}{}}{}{\textsc{\large\icon{\Mundus}} & \href{https://\cvsitepersonal}{\textcolor{mainblue}{{\cvsitepersonal}}}\\}

and replace \cvgithub by \cvsitepersonal. Make sure to pick the correct line: The second line starting with \ifthenelse{\equal{\cvgithub}{}} needs fixing, while the first one really deals with cvgithub. After fixing, \cvsitepersonal{} will let the line about the personal website disappear, as it should.