How to make an image full width in the center of page IEEEtran


I want to make it like this in LaTeX IEEEtran:

Enter image description here

I got this file at this link. I also tried to apply it in IEEEtran, but it didn't work.

I've tried using \twocolumn and \onecolum, but this command makes the image on a separate page separate from the text. Then the \multicols command will make it look like four columns for \multicols{2} and no changes to \multicols{1}.

The command works for files other than IEEEtran, but I've tried it on IEEEtran and it doesn't work.

Here is my code for the figure code

\begin{figure*} [!h]
\caption{image caption}
  \label{Fig:image label}

Best Answer

If you intent to publish in some IEEE journal, don't do it. They don't allow to have images over two columns on the first page and allow on other pages as enable figure*.

If persisting to insert an image in your own way, then see if the package cuted works for you (and for the publisher too):

\usepackage{capt-of}  % <---
\usepackage{cuted}    % <===


\begin{strip} % <--- defined in "cuted"
\captionof{figure}{image caption}
\label{Fig:image label}

Enter image description here

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