Horizontal Alignment – How to Left Align Text and Align Equal Signs

alignalignmenthorizontal alignment

How do I left align the text and align these equal signs? As for the equal sign I used \, and it kind of works but I want to be more close. Is there a smaller spacing than this or any way to better align these equal signs?

enter image description here

The expected output is something like this.

enter image description here


Input data \,\, =  2000\\
Deleted data \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,= 500\\
Remaining data = 2000 - 500 =1500   


Sorry that I probably should have mentioned that I'm going to put the text inside a table like this.
The solution @Mico gave works but not in this table. So I think the table change the formating somehow.


\caption{This is a table}
\label{tab: this is a table} 
\begin{tabular}{cc} \\ \toprule
\textbf{No}      & \textbf{Example}  \\ \midrule
1         & 9                         \\
2         & 5                      \\
3         & 3                      \\ \midrule
\begin{array}{ L @{{}={}} l }
\text{Input data}     &  2000 \\
\text{Deleted data}   &  500  \\
\text{Remaining data}  &  2000-500=1500
\end{tabular}} \\ \bottomrule


Best Answer

Here's a different array-based solution.

enter image description here

\usepackage{array} % for \newcolumntype macro

\begin{array}{ L @{{}={}} l }
Input data     &  2000 \\
Deleted data   &  500  \\
Remaning data  &  2000-500=1500

Addendum: Here's how I would modify the OP's addtional example code to embed the array inside a two-column tabular environment:



\caption{This is a table\strut}
\label{tab:this is a table} 
\begin{tabular}{@{} cc @{}} 
\textbf{No} & \textbf{Example} \\ 
1  & 9  \\
2  & 5  \\
3  & 3  \\ 
   \begin{array}{ L @{{}={}} l }
   Input data     &  2000 \\
   Deleted data   &  500  \\
   Remaining data &  2000-500=1500
} \\ 
