How to access the integral symbol “\int” after renewcommanding “\int” to something else


I like to define "\int" to be \operatorname{int}, where int refers to the interior automorphism defined by an element of a group.

This is good for me because integrals never appear in my writing… except sometimes they do. Is there a way to access the integral symbol (usually accessed by $\int$) after you renewcommand{\int}{\operatorname{int}} ?

Best Answer

You can use \let. Since you want to redefine \int as an operator, you need to "unassign" it first using \let\int\relax. If you use \renewcommand, you don't have to do this, but if you use \DeclareMathOperator*, you do.

enter image description here





Here is $\int_{a=1}$ inline. Also, $\oldint_0^1f(x)$, And also displayed:
