Beamer – How to Remove Titles from Each Slide in Beamer


I am preparing for a presentation using the beamer. Here is the code in the preamble.


\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%

\title{\texttt{\LARGE My Mathematical journey}  }
\institute{Institute of Mathematical Studies} 
\author{Tom Scott}
\date{November 2021}

I did not write the above code but I adopted it from the examples given in the LaTeX editor and I understand it to some extent. But

I am not able to get rid of the title and author name which comes on every page in the right corner. So what should I add/modify in the above code?

Best Answer

Adding an empty optional argument to \author and \title as in \author[]{Tom Scott} should get you closer to the expected output:

Output of the original code output of the modified code
enter image description here enter image description here


\addtobeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}{%

\title[]{\texttt{\LARGE My Mathematical journey}}
\institute{Institute of Mathematical Studies} 
\author[]{Tom Scott}
\date{November 2021}



\frametitle{frame title}

\section{another section}
\frametitle{frame title}

\section{last section}
\frametitle{frame title}