How extend command defined using SplitArgument so as to allow 4 arguments not just 2


I have a command \cont used mainly in the form \cont{X, Y} and defined using \SplitArgument, as shown in the source below. How can I redefine (that is, extend the definition of)\cont so as to allow 4 arguments rather than 2, which get grouped in pairs as shown in the outout equation (2)?

Notice that I want to continue using a comma as separator when there are only 2 arguments, as in \cont{X, Y}. But I want to change the (main) separator to a semicolon when there are 4 arguments, while retaining commas as subsidiary separators, as in \cont{X, x; Y, y}.


\NewDocumentCommand{\cont}{ >{\SplitArgument{1}{,}} m }{\printcont#1}
\NewDocumentCommand{\printcont}{mm}{{\mathcal{C}}({#1}\IfValueT{#2}{, {#2}})}


\noindent Equation~(\ref{one}) shows use of \verb!\cont! with 2 arguments, as in \verb!\cont{X, Y}!, with comma as separator:
\cont{X, Y}
\noindent How can we \emph{extend} the definition of \verb!\cont! so that\dots\\[6pt]
\mbox{}\qquad\verb!\cont{X, x; Y, y}! \\[6pt]
---with commas and a single semicolon as separators----gives the same result as equation~(\ref{two}), below?
\mathcal{C}[(X, x), (Y, y)]


extend def to allow 4 args not just 2

Best Answer

I'd issue the \mathcal{C} immediately and then pass control to another command that checks for a semicolon and takes the appropriate action.




\cont{X} \\
\cont{X, Y} \\
\cont{X;Y} \\
\cont{X,x;Y} \\
\cont{X, x;Y, y}


enter image description here

If you want to add \bigl and \bigr to the brackets with \cont*, then pass the argument throughout.


  ({#1}\IfValueT{#2}{, {#2}})


\cont{X} \\
\cont{X, Y} \\
\cont{X;Y} \\
\cont{X,x;Y} \\
\cont{X, x;Y, y} \\
\cont*{X,x;Y} \\
\cont*{X, x;Y, y}


enter image description here

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