Greying things out in beamer after they are shown


I looked around, and it seems like I didn't find quite what I wanted, this is the closest: Beamer \pause grey

What I want is to (possibly using setbeamcovered) have a few slides (so I need to restore this after those slides) so that \pause doesn't show the next item until it is shown, but when the item is shown, it greys out everything before it.

Is that possible using setbeamcovered?

This also helps:

Beamer grey out items after pause

with \only – but it completely makes the item disappear rather than grey out.



  still covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}},
  again covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}}}


\begin{frame}{slide title}

\only<1> {
I should appear only in the beginning, and then grey myself out. But for some reason I disappear after a click!


\only<2> {
I should appear only in the middle, and then grey myself out. I don't show at all before the click. I also disappear - not good.


\only<3> {
I don't appear until second click, and everything above me is greyed out


%% any changes should be restored here


Best Answer

You can get the desired effect by using \uncover instead of \only:



  still covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}},
  again covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}}}


\begin{frame}{slide title}

\uncover<1> {
I should appear only in the beginning, and then grey myself out. But for some reason I disappear after a click!


\uncover<2> {
I should appear only in the middle, and then grey myself out. I don't show at all before the click. I also disappear - not good.


\uncover<3> {
I don't appear until second click, and everything above me is greyed out


%% any changes should be restored here


enter image description here