Get Theorem numbering as per section.subsection.subsubsection.number in Latex


I'm not very familiar to Latex. The numbering of my theorems, definitions, remarks etc. appears like for first definition. I don't want zeroes to appear if there are no subsections or subsubsections. Here is what Have in preamble



Please help.

Edit: In my first section (for example), there is no subsection, so I want numbering as 1.1, 1.2 and so on and not as, etc. In my second section I have a subsection but no subsubsection, there I want theorem numbering to be like "Theorem 2.1.1" and so on. I want four-digit numbering to start when there is a subsubsection". I hope my question is clear now.

Best Answer

I really would not encourage this way of doing. But quick and dirty you may try

My nice lemma
\subsection{The fist sub}
My nice second lemma
\subsubsection{The fist subsub}
My new lemma
My nice third lemma
\subsection{The second sub}
My nice fourth lemma

enter image description here