Get backref using natbib with IEEE bibliography style


I would like to know how to go about getting the back ref "(cited on page 1)" text to show up in the bibliography section of my document.

Here is my MWE:


  Title                    = {Philosophia prima sive Ontologia},
  Author                   = {Wolff, Christian von},
  Editor                   = {Jean Ecole},
  Publisher                = {Olms},
  Address                  = {Hildesheim},
  Year                     = {1962},
  Part                     = {Abt. 2: Lateinische Schriften},
  Maintitle                = {Gesammelte Werke},
  Volume                   = {3},
  langid                   = {german}

  Title                    = {The title in english},
  Author                   = {Last, Name},
  Editor                   = {Editor Name},
  Publisher                = {Springer},
  Address                  = {New York},
  Year                     = {1999},
  Part                     = {1},
  Maintitle                = {The Maintitle},
  Volume                   = {3},

author = {Natarajan, Nagarajan and Singh-Blom, Ulf Martin and Tewari, Ambuj and Woods, John O and Dhillon, Inderjit S and Marcotte, Edward M},
file = {:Users/jwoods/Downloads/Papers/Natarajan2011.pdf:pdf},
journal = {UTCS Technical Report},
title = {{Predicting gene\textendash disease associations using multiple species data.}},
volume = {TR-11-37},
year = {2011},
type = {techreport},
keywords = {Technical Report}}



\chapter{Test Chapter Name}
\lipsum[1] \cite{Wolff1962}

\lipsum[2] \cite{Natarajan2011}



Best Answer

If you don't use the hyperref package, as in your MWE, you have to load the backref package. Oppositely, if you in fact use hyperref, don't load explicitly backref, but add backref or better pagebackref in options passed to hyperref.

Important: theses options belong to the set of options that should be provided at load time, and can't be activated later with \hypersetup.

If this triggers an "option clash" for hyperref, remove it from the option list, but add at the beginning of your file the command \PassOptionsToPackage{pagebackref}{hyperref}.

This holds for the bibtex route, independently of natbib. For the biblatex route, there are posts on this forum, that you w'd get by searching backref + biblatex in your favorite search engine.

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