Generate tabular data dynamically including `\hline`


My question is same as this question but with this different that I need an \hline after every row in \tabledata. How can I do it?

Currently my code is as below:

    \def\tabledata{}% reset \tabledata
    \foreach \lhs/\rhs in {#1} {% build table data from #1  
        \protected@xappto\tabledata{\textbf{\lhs} & \rhs \\}
        Headline 1 & Headline 2 \\ \hline
        \tabledata \hline

   \myTable{{Title 1}/{Description 1}, {Title 2}/{Description 2}}

If I add \hline simply:

    \def\tabledata{}% reset \tabledata
    \foreach \lhs/\rhs in {#1} {% build table data from #1  
        \protected@xappto\tabledata{\textbf{\lhs} & \rhs \\ \hline}
        Headline 1 & Headline 2 \\ \hline
        \tabledata \hline

   \myTable{{Title 1}/{Description 1}, {Title 2}/{Description 2}}


Missing control sequence inserted.

Log File:

<inserted text> 
l.19 ...Description 1}, {Title 2}/{Description 2}}
Please don't say `\def cs{...}', say `\def\cs{...}'.
I've inserted an inaccessible control sequence so that your
definition will be completed without mixing me up too badly.
You can recover graciously from this error, if you're
careful; see exercise 27.2 in The TeXbook.

And also it produces following result:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Add \noexpand before \hline.

    \def\tabledata{}% reset \tabledata
    \foreach \lhs/\rhs in {#1} {% build table data from #1  
        \protected@xappto\tabledata{\textbf{\lhs} & \rhs \\\noexpand\hline}
        Headline 1 & Headline 2 \\ \hline
        \tabledata %\hline %don't need

   \myTable{{Title 1}/{Description 1}, {Title 2}/{Description 2},{Title 3}/{Description 3}}

enter image description here

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