Full width section titles in scrartcl with parskip option


The subsection title in the following document should fit in a single line. The last word slips into the second line, although there is still enough space in the first.

\documentclass[parskip = half+]{scrartcl} 



\subsection*{This subsection title should fit in a single line but it doesn't}



If I waive the parskip = half+ option the title is in a single line but I need that option for other purposes.


I need the sectsty package to change the part format. The parbox workaround causes the page number in the table of contents to be too far to the right.

\documentclass[parskip = half+]{scrartcl} 

    \section{This section title should fit in a single line but it doesn't}
    \section{\parbox{\linewidth}{This section title should fit in a single line but it doesn't}} 

Best Answer

The solution is to get rid of secsty and configure the part format using setkomafont instead:

\documentclass[parskip = half+]{scrartcl} 

    \section{This section title should fit in a single line and now it does}

Edit: apply esdds hint.

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