Graphics – Creating Full Screen Figures with Captions


I am trying to get an image to fill/cover whole page. However, still I want a caption with the standard figure number for reference. Where the caption appear is not that important.. Just somewhere on the image.

Normally I insert images like below. How can I get the image to cover the header og footer? And 100% of the width.

(I know a printer will not be able to print to the edges, that's OK)

    \caption{Jordarter i projektområdet \parencite{skaermkort_graa,vejmidte_vejnavne,jordart_GEUS_GIS}.}

Normal image

Best Answer

An incgraph solution:


Normal page before the image page. Ref to Figure~\ref{img:image page} on page~\pageref{img:image page}

% `inctext` environment will typeset its contents in a separate page
\begin{inctext}[paper=current,label={img:image page},bookmark={A huge ABC}]

Another normal page after the image page

enter image description here

adjustbox has more advanced scaling options in case you want to set the scaling more automatic.


To push the image to top, use


Full example


Normal page before the image page. Ref to Figure~\ref{img:image page} on page~\pageref{img:image page}

% `inctext` environment will typeset its contents in a separate page
\begin{inctext}[paper=current,label={img:image page},bookmark={A huge ABC}]

Another normal page after the image page

enter image description here

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