Footnotemark and footnotetext – wrong number


I wrote the following code:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts}
% serve (forse insieme a graphicx) per aggiungere freccia e testo/equazione sopra segno uguale =
% serve per plottare freccia grande, vuota, ruotata (vedi file: quadrato con frecce)

\newcommand{\eqstackrel}[1]{\stackrel{\substack{\mathclap{#1}\\[0.5ex]\displaystyle\uparrow\\ ~}}{ = } }
%serve per aggiungere testo sopra segno uguale =

\title{\textbf{Elementi di Calcolo delle Probabilità}}

\maketitle  %serve per stampare il titolo ed eventualmente altro

Ecco del testo\footnote{Ecco una nota al testo.}

P(R_2 | B_1) &= \left( 1 - P(R_1 | R_2) \right) \frac{P(R_2)}{1 - P(R_1)}
\eqstackrel{P(B | A) = P(B) \quad \text{rel. 126 a pag. 49}}
&= \left( 1 - P(R_1) \right) \frac{P(R_2)}{1 - P(R_1)} \\
&= P(R_2)
\eqstackrel{\text{per hp\footnotemark}}
&= \frac{R}{R + B}


The problem is that the footnote has a wrong number; in particular the previous footnote has the number 1, instead the footnote introduced by footmark has the number 4. How can I fix it?

Best Answer

The culprit is \mathclap. I suggest not using \mathclap (but \clap).

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts}

\clap{$\scriptstyle #1$}\\[0.5ex]\displaystyle\uparrow\\ ~}}{ = } }

Ecco del testo\footnote{Ecco una nota al testo.}

P(R_2 | B_1) &= \left( 1 - P(R_1 | R_2) \right) \frac{P(R_2)}{1 - P(R_1)}
\eqstackrel{P(B | A) = P(B) \quad \text{rel. 126 a pag. 49}}
&= \left( 1 - P(R_1) \right) \frac{P(R_2)}{1 - P(R_1)} \\
&= P(R_2)
\eqstackrel{\text{per hp\footnotemark}}
&= \frac{R}{R + B}


Output of the above code

Since you have loaded footnote, I suggest to put the {align} in a {savenotes} and use \footnote directly. However, the command \footnote must not be put in the command \text but just after.

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts}

\clap{$\scriptstyle #1$}\\[0.5ex]\displaystyle\uparrow\\ ~}}{ = } }

Ecco del testo\footnote{Ecco una nota al testo.}

P(R_2 | B_1) &= \left( 1 - P(R_1 | R_2) \right) \frac{P(R_2)}{1 - P(R_1)}
\eqstackrel{P(B | A) = P(B) \quad \text{rel. 126 a pag. 49}}
&= \left( 1 - P(R_1) \right) \frac{P(R_2)}{1 - P(R_1)} \\
&= P(R_2)
\eqstackrel{\text{per hp}\footnote{aaa}}
&= \frac{R}{R + B}
