Fontsize specified with fontspec is different from what Adobe Pro thinks


I have written a document using fontspec, for compilation with xelatex or lulatex, that specifies an 11pt font. However, when I then check the font size with Acrobat Pro, it says the font size is 10.87 for a Times font and 10.91 for Arial. This is an important difference in my case. I can fix it with a bit of magnification, but I am wondering what is going on. Something similar actually goes on with regular pdflatex sometimes. Is there a bug somewhere? Are font sizes a little arbitrary? Here is an MWE, and thanks for your help.

Now is the winter of my \textsf{discontent with fonts.} 

Best Answer

The 11pt option sets the default font size to
10.95 TeX points (pt)
which is
10.909 = 10.95*72/72.27 Postscript Points (bp)