Error producing PDF – Latex pandoc template


I'm writting a pandoc template inspired on iv054-homework-template.
I want something like this:


The code I use is:



{\section} % command
[display] % shape
{\normalfont\bfseries} % format
{Question \thesection : \ } % before-code
[\vspace{-0.5ex} \rule{\textwidth}{0.3pt}] % after-code

  {\Large $title$ } \\
  $author$ \\



but I get this error:

Error producing PDF.
! Undefined control sequence.
l.22 \hypertarget

what happend?

Best Answer

You just need do add the hyperref package in the preambule.


Here is the complete answer:

I created a file test.tex with the following content:


  {}{20pt}{Question \thesection : \ }[\vspace{-0.5ex} \rule{\textwidth}{0.3pt}]

  {\Large $title$ } \\
  $author$ \\



and a markdown file with the content:

title: Exam Test with Pandoc
author: Leonardo Araujo
date: November 05, 2021

# My test
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam mi dui, posuere vitae ligula sit amet, ultricies porta mi.

# This is a test
Duis et erat felis. Curabitur dolor diam, sagittis sed pretium at, rhoncus id sapien. Nunc sit amet ullamcorper turpis, vitae euismod nisi.

Then I compiled with

pandoc -N --template=test.tex --variable version=2.0 --pdf-engine=xelatex -o test.pdf

and the result was

enter image description here