math-mode,equations,eqnarray – Fixing Floating Equation in Two Columns with Equation Array Package


I'm sorry for such a basic question, however, I'm asking because I'm quite close to the deadline. So, my equations are floating on 2nd column based on the below MWE, I was trying to compress it somehow to manage them in a single column. Kindly help me to fix it Thank you in advance.

w_{t}^{j,buy} = \left\{
\begin{array}{l l}
w_{t}^{j,sel}u_{t}^{DS}+J_{t}^{by}(1-u_{t}^{DS}) &  \text{\emph{if} $0\leq u_{t}^{DS}\leq 1$}  \\
v_{t}^{sel} &  \text{\emph{otherwise}} 
\end{array} \right.

h_{t}^{j,by}=H_{t}^{j,sel} \Big( g_{t}^{M,L}-(g_{n,rr}^{j}+g_{t}^{j,s})\Big)\; if\; g_{t}^{M,L}>g_{n,rr}^{j}+g_{t}^{j,s}\label{Eq9}
h_{t}^{j,sell}=H_{t}^{j,buy} \Big((g_{n,rr}^{j}+E_{t}^{h,y})-E_{y}^{M,L}\Big)\;\; if\; g_{n,rr}^{j}+g_{t}^{j,s}>g_{t}^{M,L}\label{Eq10}


Best Answer

You should use cases for the first equation and you can exploit multilined for the other two (requires mathtools).

In the first equation I used a small trick: the spaces around binary operation symbols and relations are half their usual value.


\usepackage[nopar]{lipsum} % for context



w_{t}^{j,\mathrm{buy}} = 
w_{t}^{j,\mathrm{sell}}u_{t}^{DS}+J_{t}^{\mathrm{buy}}(1-u_{t}^{DS}) &
  \text{if $0\leq u_{t}^{DS}\leq 1$}  \\
v_{t}^{\mathrm{sell}} &
\text{if $g_{t}^{M,L}>g_{n,rr}^{j}+g_{t}^{j,s}$}
\text{if $g_{n,rr}^{j}+g_{t}^{j,s}>g_{t}^{M,L}$}


enter image description here

Note that “buy” and “sell” should be upright. I also changed \Big to \bigl and \bigr.

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