Tcolorbox Theorems – Using Environments with Tcolorbox for Referencing Macros


I have a large textbook written and I wish to add color boxes around my theorems, lemmas, etc without changing my main text too much. Currently, each theorem environment is defined in the usual way, e.g.,


To add color boxes, I could of course use tcolorbox as in this answer. My problem is that tcolorbox's theorems are defined like

\begin{theorem}{theorem name}{reference}

whereas my 1000-page textbook define theorems using

\begin{theorem}{theorem name}\label{reference}

So my question is:

Is there any way of getting around this. I.e., redefining the theorem-environment so that I would still be able to reference theorems using the usual \label{reference}?

Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

If you accept to rename your theorems to something different, you can use tcolorboxenvironment to change theorems aspect and keep previous labeling mechanism.


\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm}



\tcolorboxenvironment{mytheorem}{colback=blue!30, colframe=blue!70!black}



\begin{mytheorem}{One theorem}\label{OneTheorem}
some words

Reference to theorem~\ref{OneTheorem}


enter image description here

Update: muzimuzhi's simpler solution

it seems that any previous existing environment can be tcbcolorized, we don't need to rename it as I did in original answer.


\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm}



\tcolorboxenvironment{theorem}{colback=blue!30, colframe=blue!70!black}



\begin{theorem}{One theorem}\label{OneTheorem}
some words

Reference to theorem~\ref{OneTheorem}


enter image description here

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