Enumerate single item without label but aligned with other labels


I use enumerate to create a second minimalistic TOC. The unnumbered chapters should be aligned with normal chapters.

Undesired alignment of Introduction

So the unnumbered chapter Introduction should be aligned with the 1 from chapter Main Body and not with the text "Main Body".

Here's my MWE:






List of the chapters, sections, items and sub-items.\\

    \item[] Introduction
    \item Main Body
        \item Main Body Section
            \item Main Body Subsection


Best Answer

First of all note that the list numbering is right-aligned by default, as can be seen in this example:

enter image description here




  \item First
  \item Tenth

  \item First
  \item Tenth


This is so that large lists can still maintain an appropriate horizontal alignment if they have large (wide) labels. This alignment can be changed within enumitem with the align key-value. This is important because it is otherwise difficult to align an unenumerated item with the number of an enumerated one on-the-fly. Here are some options:

enter image description here





List of the chapters, sections, items and sub-items.

% Align outer enumeration numbering to left and reduce width of label to 1em
  \item[] \hspace*{\dimexpr-\labelsep-\labelwidth}Introduction
  \item Main Body
    \item Main Body Section
      \item Main Body Subsection

% Retain original labelling alignment and fake label width
  \item[] \hspace*{-\labelsep}\llap{I}ntroduction
  \item Main Body
    \item Main Body Section
      \item Main Body Subsection


If you really want the alignment to be perfect in the second case, then you can calculate the width of the label and use that instead of \llap:

% Retain original labelling alignment and actual label width
  \settowidth{\@tempdima}{1}% Capture width of next label
  \item[] \hspace*{\dimexpr-\labelsep-\@tempdima}Introduction
  \item Main Body
    \item Main Body Section
      \item Main Body Subsection

The value of the next item can also be calculated rather than using a fixed value:

\settowidth{\@tempdima}{\number\numexpr\value{enumi}+1}% Width of next item label