Enumerate footnotes with circled numbers



Here we collect different solutions to enumerate footnotes with circled numbers both in texts and footnotes for which advantages and disadvantages are specified.

In fact, it’s Chinese who usually enumerate the footnotes with circled numbers, and in Chinese, every circled number has the width of 1em as the same as every Chinese character. Anyway, any solution is welcome.

A MWE is as follows.


\par Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}.
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. 
Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}.


So far as now we have five solutions as follows which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Best Answer


After discussion with OP, I have an updated solution, still using TikZ.

Add this to the preamble:


\newcommand\circled[2][\fnrad]{\kern.5pt\scalerel*{\tikz{\useasboundingbox (-#1,-#1) rectangle (#1,#1);\node{#2};\draw circle[radius=#1];}}{X}\kern.5pt}

The command \circled uses scalerel to produce a circled number the same height as a capital letter X, which adjusts if the X changes in size (e.g., titles, superscripts, \large).

enter image description here

The global constant \fnrad (currently set to .16) can be adjusted to create more space around the number without changing the size of the circle. Larger value produces more space. That spacing can also be adjusted with an optional argument in case the footnote appears in special positions like a title:

\large 1\circled{1}\circled[.18]{1}

enter image description here


  • Doesn't affect line spacing in text or in footnotes.
  • Uses original font.
  • Adjusts for font changes and size changes.


  • Is using TikZ a disadvantage?

Old Solution:

Add this to the preamble:

\newcommand\circled[1]{\tikz[baseline]{\node[anchor=base,rounded corners=.375em,draw,inner sep=1pt] {#1};}}

Advantages: Easy. Doesn't affect line spacing in text or in footnotes. Uses original font.

Disadvantages: Uses TikZ (is that a disadvantage?). Might have to adjust rounded corners for different font. Ovals for 2-digit numbers.


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