Drawing (upward facing, potentially unlabelled) binary trees and forests in LaTeX


I'm trying to figure out how to draw (forests of) potentially undecorated binary trees in Latex. So far, I've looked at the "forest" package, which I couldn't get to work with what I want. I'm hoping to draw binary trees that look like the following:

Tree with one root and 3 leaves

I'd also like to be able to draw forests of binary trees:

Forest with 3 trees

And finally, I'd like to be able to compose a forest of n trees with a tree of n leaves by vertical concatenation:

Composition of forest and tree

I appreciate that the last option might not exist as a built-in thing into a package, but figure I'd ask just in case.


Edit: Just in case anyone comes across this in the future — the accepted solution works without error for me after updating my MacTex distribution and then compiling with XeLaTeX.

Best Answer

Here is a macro \bintree that takes a tree as an argument using the syntax of the forest package.

enter image description here

is produced by the code:

t=\bintree{[[[[][]][]]]} \hspace{2cm} 

The macro uses a style defined in a \forestset. Here is the code:



\forestset{bintree/.style={for tree={calign=fixed edge angles, grow'=north, edge=very thick, if n children=0{tier=x}{}},
     delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate, for current and siblings={anchor=north}}{}}}}

\newcommand{\bintree}[1]{\vcenter{\hbox{\scalebox{.5}{\tiny\begin{forest}bintree #1 \end{forest}}}}}


t=\bintree{[[[[][]][]]]} \hspace{2cm} 


The composition is not automated, but can be accomplished by copying and pasting the trees into the leaves. Here is the code for t above:

\bintree{[[[[<paste tree here>][<paste tree here>]][<paste tree here>]]]}

And with the components of f pasted in:

The composition $f\circ t=\bintree{[[[[[[[[]]]]][[[[[][]]]]]][[[[][[][]]]]]]]}$

enter image description here