circuitikz – Drawing Diamond Lattice Structures Using Circuitikz in LaTeX


How do I draw
this diagram?

            \node (A) at (-1,0) {$a$};
            \node (1) at (0,1) {$1$};
            \node (C) at (0,0) {$c$};
            \node (B) at (1,0) {$b$};
            \node (0) at (0,-1) {$0$};
              (A)  -- ++ to [short, o-*]       ++   (1)
                    to [short, o-*]       ++   (B)
                    to [short, o-*]       ++   (0)

I tried to draw this first by tikzpicture but the circles are not available in tikzpicture (I think). So next I tried by circuitikz. But I could not join the nodes .

Best Answer

With pure tikz:


C/.style = {circle, draw, fill=white, inner sep=1mm,
            node contents={}},
every label/.append style = {inner sep=2pt, font=\small}
\draw (-1,0) node       [C=left:$a$]    -- (0,1) 
             node (c1)  [C=$1$]         -- (1,0)
             node       [C=right:$b$]   -- (0,-1)
             node (c0)  [C=below:0]     -- cycle
\draw (c1)  --  (0,0) node[C=left:$c$]
            --  (c0);

enter image description here

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