Drawing a color swatch/palette for CMYK



I wish to create a LaTeX version of a color palette similar to the one found here: https://codepen.io/devi8/pen/nJMGZR. It looks like this:

enter image description here

I have managed to find code to build on, but I am stuck on two issues:

  1. How do I use CMYK instead of RGB in the MWE?
  2. How can I divide each box into two boxes and add a shadow border to each?

Minimal Working Example (MWE)



\def\saycolorsaux#1 #2 #3\relax{R:#1 G:#2 B:#3}

    \palbox{1 103 143}{01678f}\quad
    \palbox{221 109 16}{dd6d10}\quad
    \palbox{18 54 69}{123645}\quad
    \palbox{120 121 124}{78797c}

Current output

enter image description here

Desired output

Two CMYK colors next to each other in one box with shadow.

Best Answer

This isn't a solution based on your code but based on tcolorbox. I'm not an expert in color systems, so I don't know if CMYK works properly here.

EDIT: Color name and CMYK code are now separate. tcbraster to put swatches in columns and rows.

enter image description here


        frame hidden,
        clip upper,
        fuzzy shadow={0mm}{0pt}{-.5pt}{1pt}{black!60!white},
        \cellcolor{c1} & \cellcolor{c2} \\[4ex]
        \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textsf{#5}\rule{0pt}{3ex}} \\
        {\tiny\textsf{#2}} & {\tiny\textsf{#4}}

\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=2,raster force size=false]
\swatch{.61,.34,0,.07}{blue1}{.66,.38,0,.14}{blue2}{Blue Jeans}
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