BibLaTeX Overleaf arXiv BBL – How to Download from arXiv and Run the Source on Overleaf


I downloaded the source of a paper from arXiv, and extracted the files, using 7-zip. I've ended up with a tex file, and a bbl file. I then uploaded them to overleaf.

When I click recompile, the paper is created almost perfectly. The bibliography, however doesn't work. I get the error "cannot find bibliography.bib".

My question is: can I get the bibliography to work somehow?

I've already searched for answers, but the majority of questions are about the opposite problem- going from an overleaf project to submitting to arXiv. I want to go the other way: download source from arXiv, and run it on overleaf.

Best Answer

The file uses biblatex, and the author has not provided the bib file.

Fortunately ctan has a package that addresses exactly this.

Add biblatex-readbbl after biblatex eg after the %LT-SKIP-END comment in this example


The document then processes without error, using the pre-made bbl file.

enter image description here

You may find (including in comments under this question) suggestions to replace \bibliography{..} by \input{\jobname.bib} but that only applies to classic bibtex use, not biblatex.

As noted in comments:

  • On Overleaf you may need to replace \jobname by the name of the .bbl file (without the .bbl extension), so in the OP's real example [bblfile=DC-LPPL-LI].

  • Also, if the document is old (at whatever point you are reading this) the .bbl file may not be compatible with the version of biblatex in the current texlive, however you can use the overleaf menu to process your project with a texlive of a suitable date. (At the time of writing Overleaf offer texlive versions from 2014 to 2023).

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