Multirow in Tables – Using \dotfill Inside \multirow


\dotfill does not seem to display anything when placed inside \multirow as shown below.
I'm trying to display the dots after "Pongidae, divisé en" on the same line.



\multicolumn{1}{c}{Taxons de Simpson} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Taxons de Goodman} \\
Primates, inchangé\dotfill & & Primates \\
Prosimii, divisé en\dotfill &  & Strepsirhini \\
Anthropoidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Tarsioidea \\
Ceboidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Anthropoidea \\
Cercopithecoidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Platyrrhini (Ceboidea) \\
Hominoidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Hominoidea \\
\multirow{3}{*}{*Pongidae, divisé en\dotfill} & \rdelim\{{3}{} & Hylobatidae \\
 &  & Ponginae \\
 &  & Homininae (en partie: Pan) \\
\multirow{2}{*}{*Ponginae, divisé en\dotfill} & \rdelim\{{2}{} & Ponginae \\
 &  & Homininae (en partie: Pan) \\
Hylobatinae, inchangé\dotfill &  & Hylobatidae \\
Hominidae, inchangé\dotfill &  & \textit{Homo} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{*Taxon à la composition modifiée (composantes)} \\
 &  & 


Best Answer

\multirow{n}{*} uses the 'natural width' of its text parameter, i.e. the smallest amount that is necessary. Then no space will be left for the \dotfill. Instead use {=} as width specification which takes the width of the column definition. Also your \rdelim is wrong, because it needs a width specification, which in this case can be * or =.

Here is the working example:



\multicolumn{1}{c}{Taxons de Simpson} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Taxons de Goodman} \\
Primates, inchangé\dotfill & & Primates \\
Prosimii, divisé en\dotfill &  & Strepsirhini \\
Anthropoidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Tarsioidea \\
Ceboidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Anthropoidea \\
Cercopithecoidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Platyrrhini (Ceboidea) \\
Hominoidea, inchangé\dotfill &  & Hominoidea \\
\multirow{3}{=}{*Pongidae, divisé en\dotfill} & \rdelim\{{3}{*} & Hylobatidae \\
 &  & Ponginae \\
 &  & Homininae (en partie: Pan) \\
\multirow{2}{=}{*Ponginae, divisé en\dotfill} & \rdelim\{{2}{*} & Ponginae \\
 &  & Homininae (en partie: Pan) \\
Hylobatinae, inchangé\dotfill &  & Hylobatidae \\
Hominidae, inchangé\dotfill &  & \textit{Homo} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{*Taxon à la composition modifiée (composantes)} \\
 &  & 

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